Monday, May 2, 2011

I Was Blind, Yet Now I See.

The first 13 chapters or so of Vernor Vinge's Rainbows End has been an interesting experience. It starts with the main character Robert Gu just having being saved from Alzheimer's and a slew of other medical issues by modern medicine. Though one of the first things that Gu receives is his sight back, he soon find that though his eyes work perfectly there is still much he is blind to. He has awoken to an age of digital dominance that has seeped into every part of modern culture. Though his initial sight has been restored there is much more that he must learn to see. He is forced to learn to operated wearable computers and try to understand the vastly different world around him. Fortunately he has the aid of a digital native named Juan Orozco to teach him how to use his "wearable." 

In the beginning of the book I have identified most with Juan. I have always felt that I was on the technological side of the "Great Divide" between those who are comfortable around computers and those who glare intrepidly their screen. I often recall memories of helping grandparents and neighbors setting up their devices and teaching them how to use it. But more and more I am beginning to step into the shoes of Robert Gu.

I have never used social media on a regular basis. I have never had a blog or actively tried to connect the content that I create with of my peers. I feel like Gu when I see my classmates blogs like Bri Zabriskie's, and online presence that she has built for herself. They seem so comfortable in a world that I find so mirky and daunting. Like Robert Gu finding there is more then just pen and paper, I am finding that there is more than email and word processing. I feel like i'm taking this journey along with my friend Mr. Gu realizing that popular digital media may be something that can enrich my life, and maybe, help me see where once I was blind.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shoutout in your post... and keep in mind that those of us who are entrenched in the online sphere did it one little bit at a time. I think it seems daunting because you may be being introduced to several social media tools at a time in this class, but if you get acquainted with them little bit by bit, it's easy and even fun. I can understand feelign a bit like Gu, suddenly being throw into all this at once though. Also keep in mind the balance, digital media can enrich life but like you've stated, it can also be a leviathan that can be quite daunting. It can take over if you let it. To use an analogy from the book, you have to be careful to remain aware of which "layers" or "overlays" are reality. :)
